Empowering CEOs & Business Owners

Real Time Data-driven Decisions

See how one or all of your venues are tracking at any point in time. Real-time visibility across your entire business with Wirely’s mobile app.

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Business Owners


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Ensure every venue is on the
same system, utilising the
same processes

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Wirely gives business owners peace of mind about what’s happening in all their venues

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Real-time visiblity
across all your venues
from your mobile


Instant access, no more
waiting to receive your end
of day report

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Wirely provides
accountability to your teams

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integrations with
multiple systems

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Key Modules

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  • Grouped Reporting

    Remove reports from your inbox. Get all your high level venue metrics in one place, visible from anywhere. Review your venues individually or group them together.

  • Comparison Reporting

    Constructive insights. Predictive reporting and analytics. Compare previous weeks, months and years for proactive planning.

  • Gaming Reports

    Real-time visibility on your gaming, per venue, per machine.

With Wirely I can now access information from any of my venues at any time, from anywhere. It's life-changing.

Adrian Guest, JEG Hotels.

Experience the power of Wirely firsthand.

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Request a demo today to see how our platform can transform your business operations, streamline your reporting, and empower you to make data-driven decisions that fuel success. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to unlock the full potential of your business with Wirely.

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